Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Teaser Tuesday - The Time Travelers by Linda Buckley-Archer

I'm finally back with a Teaser Tuesday! This week's teaser is from The Time Travelers (Book One in The Gideon Trilogy). If you haven't heard of this, you may have heard of it's alternative title: Gideon the Cutpurse. Personally, I haven't heard of both. I bought it mainly because I like the pictures on the cover.

It's good so far ^^ And the teaser is....

Images of his mother came to him unbidden. Precious memories, silly things, momentous things: standing in a thunderstorm together, heads back, mouths wide open; her throwing a tub of chocolate mousse at him after he'd lied about taking some loose change, and then, as she scraped it off his clothes, her happy, infectious laughter; her waving good-by to him at Heathrow, trying very hard not to cry the first time she left for Los Angeles.

This quote isn't actually related to the main narrative of being stuck in the past, but I think it's a pretty nice quote that illustrates the mother-son relationship.

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by MizB of ShouldBeReading. All you need to do is to pick two random teasers from a page in a book you're reading and share it!

What are you teasers?


  1. i actually haven't yet heard of this book before, and I must admit that I was also attracted to the cover, but never judge a book by its cover, right? :P

    If you do read it, let me know what you thought of it, 'cos I think I'd like to give it a shot. :)

    1. That's true(: But I'm a sucker for pretty covers haha.

      I will! It's good so far though ^^

  2. That is a nice book cover! Enjoy your book!


I really do appreciate all comments, and I'll try my best to reply within 24 hours!
