Saturday, September 22, 2012

Long Reads #11

I'm trying a new way of writing, in hopes that it means that I can read more articles and write more about them too! This time, I focused on Singapore. Yes, I'm homesick.

Disneyland with the Death Penalty by William Gibson - I'm assuming that this piece was written a long long time ago because it feels dated. And honestly, how is Singapore like Disneyland? We only just got a USS. Apparently, Singapore is too boring, except for the death penalty. Well.... when I went to America, it was, interesting (if you count seeing a lady walk a man with a leash and collar interesting) but still, it just made me decide that I didn't not want to live there. I think there's something under appreciated about peace and quiet (and a healthcare system that is somewhat affordable).

Singapore by Ian Burma - Again, something written really long ago. If anyone knows long-form essays written about Singapore published recently, please tell me. These articles seem to value journalistic freedom very highly, without considering if the papers sued by the goverment/ Lee family really did commit libel. I don't know the facts so I can't say much, but that's why I read articles like that.

The Place to Disappear by Susan Orlean - I forgot that the Singapore Sling is a famous drink (don't ask me why). This article is actually about one particular road in Thailand that's the destination for back-packing tourists. It's an interesting article and reads like a travel article.

The Singapore Solution by Mark Jacobson - The article is fairly recent, published only two years ago. And I think out of all the articles I read, this was the most balanced article. Yes, he does talk about Singapore's censorship, but he also mentions that it's a trade-off for peace and prosperity. And I thought he made some good points about the internet. Plus, he got to interview the (ex)MM Lee Kuan Yew, which yielded interesting insights. If you're going to read about Singapore, this is the article to read.

What about you?

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