Saturday, March 30, 2013

Second Thoughts on Goodreads and Librarything

On Saturdays, I tend to post reviews of Essays (if I even post), but I read this piece of news that made me pause.

Apparently, because Goodreads was bought by Amazon, Librarything is giving all members one year of unlimited membership. Without going into the "how many sites does own?" debate, this kinda sparked me to give an update of how I'm using the two sites (you can find my first comparison here).

Like how I've said before, I love the way you can catalogue books in Librarything, but Goodreads is more of a social-site for books. Unlike the last time, I've got loads more friends on Goodreads now, and it's more fun. I'm also getting in touch with more authors there.

On the other hand, I've hardly touched Librarything. I've been so afraid of reaching the 200 books max limit that I've hardly entered any books. And while it is easier to win books on Librarything (I've never won a single book on Goodreads), I've started using NetGalley, and more or less gave up entering the giveaways at both sites.

As for groups, the groups on Goodreads are way more active than Librarything. Or at least, my interest  groups on Librarything don't actually reply.... But now that I've joined Google+, I don't really need the groups anymore.

That means.... I go to Goodreads everyday to post reviews and keep track of what I have read, but I don't visit Librarything anymore. I still think that Librarything has the better cataloging system, but the limit does put a huge damper on things.

Bottom line, in my case at least, the amount of books you can track is the make-or-break factor. I'm not particular about things like apps, or what features there are (although they are nice), but with the books I read (even at my reduced speed, it's still a fairly large amount), I need a place to keep track of them. Hence, although I started using Librarything more than Goodreads, I've ended up using Goodreads almost exclusively now.

Still, with the new one-year unlimited membership for everyone, I may just start using Librarything again. I'll let you all know what happens(:


  1. This is interesting. Thanks!

    With a 200 book limit, I definitely can't use LibraryThing. It isn't a service I can afford to pay for at this time in my life unfortunately.

    I'm waiting to see what happens to Goodreads. I think there are two reasons to leave 1)If you generally try to boycott Amazon and 2)If they change Goodreads. In the first case, there's no reason to leave because Amazon owns 40% of LibraryThing, too. The second, we just have to wait to find out about.

    1. You're welcome!

      And it's true. I actually have nothing against Amazon, I'm just hoping they don't change Goodreads(:



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