Basically this short book focuses on being what they call a "mindful warrior" which involves the following skills: Breathing Deeply and Slowing Down, Observing, Listening to your Values and Deciding on actions and doing them. It actually sounds like something I was taught before, in golf. (My golf CCA, Co-Curricula Activities if you don't know the term, was very big on LifeSkills).
But somehow, it feels like the book says that you can change your life on your own strength. That's probably the part where I disagree with. I believe that without God, it's impossible to change your life because He is the One who gives me strength. Although I know that those lifeskills are good, and I do use them, I don't think that they would work for a very significant changes.
For me, I would take this book with a very large pinch of salt. The skills they talk about are by themselves good skills, but I don't believe that they can bring about the inner change needed to change your life.
The book itself is a quick and easy read, and within the book itself are a lot of excercises you can do to take stock of your life/practice the skills mentioned. So really, the only thing I disagree with are the contents. If you still want to read the book, then just bear in mind what I wrote, read what the book says and evaluate it yourself(:
Disclaimer: I got this book free from NetGalley in exchange for a free and honest review
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