Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I've made it to 200 posts! Yay! And instead of doing something normal like, I don't know, reviewing Graceling like I should, I decided to review Pinterest, which has very little to do with books. I have to admit though, I only managed to get an invite yesterday, so I have less than 24 hours of experience (I have been playing with it a lot though).

Pinterest, if you don't know, is a social-bookmarking site. Instead of merely taking note of certain sites and pages, here, you can "re-pin" (it's like reblogging in tumblr) and "like" the different pins, as well as follow people and specific boards.

What I love about Pinterest is how gorgeous everything looks. I like to think that I'm a words person, rather than just a pictures person (both a visual, but in a different way), but I love seeing pictures of the sites that I save. It's actually a really good way to 'capture' the essence of the sites.

The ability to organise things into different boards is another big plus. Once I add the Pinterest button, it's really very simple to save pages. Because I tend to save either book reviews, business stuff (like Havard Business Review articles) and photography things, the ability to organise into categories makes it very easy to find the link that I was looking for. And with this, I've started boards like 'Clothes' (I can't rely on my sis forever) and 'DIY - Crafts and Recipes'. And with the ability to follow specific boards, it means that the updates on the main page are catered to what I like, and I won't need to hesitate over following someone just because I don't like one of their boards.

I'm not used to trawling the net, but the opportunity to use Pinterest makes me want to go outside google reader (I tend to just pick sites I really love and stick with them). Plus, looking at the different pins by other users is like surfing the net, especially since they visit sites I don't even know about!

If you have a Pinterest account, tell me so I can take a look! And if you don't, but want to join, just drop me a note as well, and I'll send you an invite(:

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