Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Teaser Tuesday - Life of Pi by Yann Martel

As you may or may not know, I went back to Singapore during the weekend. And somehow, between receiving some books from the awesome folks at Zondervan, and going back and bring two old favourites back (ok, one old favourite and Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mum for Rena) and getting one book, I found out that I'm absolutely drowning in books. What a happy dilemma.

So, today's teaser is a book that I started reading before I boarded the plane and somehow haven't picked up again (I was reading Agatha Christie and the past issues of Reader's Digest I brought back). It's.... Life of Pi (yes, I read behind the curve for best-sellers):

"I have just mentioned the notion of details that become lifesavers. Here was one: the lid was hinged an inch or so from the edge of the bow bench - which meant that as the lid opened, it became a barrier that closed off the twelve inches of open space between the tarpaulin and bench through which Richard Parker could get to me after pushing aside the life jackets." (page 187)

So, A Life of Pi is written by Yann Martel, and is apparently really good.

This meme is hosted by MizB of Should be Reading. All you need to do to take part is to pick a book your reading and share a two teaser sentence.

So, what's your teaser?


  1. yea i heard this was really good too but i still don't think i'm interested in reading it.

    Trish - My Teaser

  2. I loved this book! I hope you are enjoying it! Here is my TT post.


I really do appreciate all comments, and I'll try my best to reply within 24 hours!
