Friday, November 5, 2010

An almost perfect day~ Book shopping.

Today I spent the whole day (well, morning plus lunch, but whole day sounds better), with Eugenia, shopping for books! Even though Eugenia isn't the most enthusiastic of readers, she came along because she had a Border's card which she wanted to use.

Our first stop was Borders, where (in the both 'mainstream' bookstores, I once again cannot find all the books I want to buy.) But I managed to get Essays in Idleness, Find Pride and Prejudice (I've been looking for a particular cover since I lost it. I'm OCD that way) and How to read Literature like a professor, which I finished during didi's Chinese tuition. I've got to admit, that book is very useful, and it's a good introduction into literary theory and how to analyse a text (seen and unseen I guess). And the best part is that the author is really entertaining (for me, but I'm an English geek so....) which makes it a really enjoyable read.

Next, we wandered around Orchard looking for Kinokuniya. Good thing someone installed a "locality map". Which means, although we probably went in circles, we got there in the end. Kinokuniya was ok, but I once again couldn't find a book, (actually two), but somehow, managed to use up all the kinovouchers I got for my Birthday. Sadly, Eugenia only bought 2 manga from both bookstores, instead of the books I was hoping she bought. And even sadder, we couldn't find the magazines I was going to buy for Euphemia.

But things turned around when we got to Littered with books. First though, we stopped at Flor to have lunch (which was, as usual really delicious). I asked one of the ladies working there to help Eugenia pick out some books and then went to get the two I had my eye on. Then I saw Kazuo Ishigiro's When we were orphans and Never let me go. I almost bought them, but I didn't have enough. On the bright side, Eugenia actually couldn't decide which books to choose, and she plans to come back. Progress was made!

And even funnier was, some people from Time out Singapore (which I checked on the internet is a travel guide and travel magazine). And when we were paying, they wanted to take some shots of us browsing the books (although they did tell us to put the kino bags aside). Quite an interesting experience.

And now, the people at Littered with books are officially the best booksellers/salespeople ever~ Apart from recommending books for me and Eugenia, they were really nice, as they allowed Eugenia to put her Slurpee on a table while she was browsing on a book (at first, I was afraid they'd make her throw it away). Which makes the best part of the day when they introduced me as a 'Regular'. ^_^

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