About Me


My name is Eustacia and welcome to my little blog. I'm a bibliophile, as you can see for yourself. If you haven't heard of the word before, that's normal. A bibliophile is simply someone who loves to collect books. I'm also a bookworm (someone who loves to read, not the actual bug), but primarily, I love the printed word. That's probably why I've not taken to ebooks like a duck to water.

Although, I have a small confession to make. Due to the fact that I'm studying in Japan, the easiest way for me to get English books to read would be from NetGalley. Which is why I have review from NetGalley posted almost every other day. That's why, the number of ebooks I read have shot up through the roof, through the two stories above me and making a hole in the ceiling of the dorm. But never fear, thanks to the existence of Book Off, my reviews of printed books will still continue! In fact, the printed books I've bought are getting more interesting because, well, there's no way to tell what books you'll find in a second-hand bookstore.

Being in Singapore Japan , I'm hampered by the fact that I can't really join any book giveaways (that are for the western world), and my meager amount of money dictates that I economise. Hence, you'll won't find the latest books, but you can see the kind of books I'm interested in. Being a strange girl, I don't focus on one genre, like YA, but on anything that catches my fancy.

A bit more about my blog: it's less of a review site, but more of a, I can't think of a suitable word, but let's say reflection site. Like the name "Inside the mind of a Bibliophile" says, this is where I post my reflections on the books I read. Most of the time, they take a life of their own and ramble away into how it concerns my life in general.

A word of warning: I'm a strong Christian and that's probably the biggest bias I have. I am very opinionated, although I do listen to opposing arguments. But if I read something or hear something idiotic, I am more likely to start demolishing the argument, which is why for fiction, I'll only say if I don't like it, because I can't really make judgements on books (like they say, one man's meat is another man's poison). But if it's non-fiction, I will point out the logical fallacies (and yes, a side effect of starting to read apologetics and theology at 11/12, coupled with an IB education means that I can somewhat recognise argument forms and the common fallacies). If you make a convincing argument, I will say so, and if you see me change my mind on an issue, well, that's cause I'm normal (not bull-headed).

Before I end this short rather long note, I just want say that I welcome anyone who wants to mail me books to review (ebooks accepted). If you want me to collaborate with you, or if you're really kind and want to write a guest post, I'll be more than happy to say yes (it's not that I don't make an effort, I'm just that I'm too technologically inept to find out how to ask you). Please email me at eustacia_tan@yahoo.com.sg

You can also find me at IntoTheBook, a book review site that reviews all sorts of books from a Christian perspective. [UPDATE: As of 2014, I've taken a break from IntoTheBook. Hopefully I can find the time to join them again in the future!]

And now, I'll be studying in Japan for 5 years (4 years in university + 1 language year). I'm going to be chronicling my experiences (and some book reviews) at my other blog With Love from Japan, Eustacia

Really want more?

My twitter name is @PeiLing14. Occasionally, I post interesting links.

And if you want random things, you can find me at http://www.atimetoberandom.tumblr.com/

Ok, enough self-promotion. See you around~


  1. Very nice and impressive statement...so articulate that I was wondering if you really were only 18 years old! Best wishes for your academic success in Japan!

    1. Thank you! Well... strictly speaking, I'll be turning 19 in September. I hope you like reading my blog!


  2. Hi! I am following your blog. I am not christian but I love other people's view points and good strong writing. I think your about me section is very interesting and your review blog quite well put together.

  3. Thanks for the great review of Romance of Religion!

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by my blog!



I really do appreciate all comments, and I'll try my best to reply within 24 hours!
