Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Teaser Tuesday - Dare to Remember by Susanna Beard

Good Tuesday everyone! I hope you're having a good start to the week. I'm almost done with my driving classes, I've hired a moving company for next month, and I've submitted my final paper (although I have a presentation to go) so things are rapidly moving forward.

Right now, I'm reading Dare to Remember by Susanna Beard, but I'm considering stopping it. Even about 50 pages in, I'm not feeling the draw of the book. I think it may be because it's in present third person. I'm alright with third person most of the time, but for some reason, I'm very conscious of the present tense in the story, and instead of a sense of immediacy, I'm just feeling detached from the story.

My teaser:
"In the end, she decides to call the police and delay going to the house until at least the next day. Knowing there's no way she'd want to go with her, Lisa urges her to make the call straight away." 
Would you continue reading? Has anyone read this? What did you think about it?
How to participate in Teaser Tuesday: 
•Grab your current read 
• Open to a random page 
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page 
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) 
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! Everyone loves Teaser Tuesday.


  1. Hm... I can see why you might be feeling detached. It is all rather 'tell' isn't it? Hope you begin to feel more invested in this one soon! My TT this week is a new addition to an old, very famous story... https://sjhigbee.wordpress.com/2017/01/24/teaser-tuesday-24th-january-2016/

  2. I see why. It doesn't "show" anything to readers. I hope you make your decision on it soon.


  3. Present third is pretty awkward unless you've got a really skilled author. I don't think I would attempt it.

    Mine this week is from a Tom Clancy Jack Ryan novel: https://wp.me/p3Nz8P-1bg

  4. I'd probably pass on this one. So many books to struggle over just one:)

    My TT from Heart Of Eve

  5. I'd have to agree about that narration. There's no feeling in the writing. :P Hopefully your next read is better!

    1. Thanks! I think I'll just move right on to the next book!

  6. I picked up a bit on what you were talking about, because I had to read the tease a few times. Can be confusing who she and her are...
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  7. I'm not familiar with this author. Does she usually write in 3rd person present? Here's my link for today's intro and teaser from Deborah Rising: http://wp.me/p4DMf0-1t1


I really do appreciate all comments, and I'll try my best to reply within 24 hours!
