*This is Part 3 of a three part blog tour! Click on the titles to read my reviews of the first and second books in the series: The Doll Maker and House of Horrors*

Fright Train is, to me, the most original book that I've read in this series. Creepy dolls and scary carnival attractions have appeared in many horror books for kids (and for good reason), but I have yet to see one for trains. Trains, I associate with stories like The Boxcar Children (although not strictly related to trains), The Little Engine who Could and The Railway Children, as well as quite a few Enid Blyton stories. As you can see, those are all happy, non-scary books.
In this book, Charlie is heading to Weirdville, the setting of the previous two books. However, this isn't the train he's supposed to be on, and he'll soon regret boarding the train. The train hides a secret (and no, I'm not giving a way spoilers) and it'll take Charlie all his wits and his luck to make to Weirdville alive.
What I found unique about this book was that it was the book where I felt the physical danger of the protagonist the strongest. In the other two books, there was that sense that the protagonists were in trouble, but I didn't feel that their lives were threatened like I did in this book.
Although I found this to be slightly less introspective than House of Horrors (which, to be honest, is introspective due to the subject matter), it is probably the most exciting read. If you (and/or the child you know) enjoy a horror story with a little action, you should definitely pick up this book.
Disclaimer: I got a free copy of this book from as part of Enchanted Blog Tours in exchange for a free and honest review.
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